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Hear for Less offers electrical and non electrical installations nation-wide. Contact us for details.
Bellman doorbells and alarms for the hearing impaired in Australia are designed to alert you to the goings on around the home.
This could be when someone is at the door, when you need to be woken up in the morning, or, in more urgent cases when you need to evacuate your property.
The reliable detection systems we stock are trusted by many looking to enhance vital alerts across their home, helping them to keep safe and maintain independence.
Speak to our team today on1800 432 736 for... Read More
Bellman doorbells and alarms for the hearing impaired in Australia are designed to alert you to the goings on around the home.
This could be when someone is at the door, when you need to be woken up in the morning, or, in more urgent cases when you need to evacuate your property.
The reliable detection systems we stock are trusted by many looking to enhance vital alerts across their home, helping them to keep safe and maintain independence.
Speak to our team today on1800 432 736 for more information.
The capability to hear is crucial, but if you are hard of hearing or entirely deaf, you may struggle to hear alerts such as doorbells or smoke alarms.
With our range of virtually maintenance-free Bellman products, you no longer have to look at implementing a drastically different approach to accommodate the adjustments you need.
The selection of Bellman smoke alarms, doorbells, alarm clocks and audio amplifiers we provide offers something for everyone, so you can easily be alerted to important and potentially life-threatening events.
If you’re hard of hearing and are concerned for your safety in the event of a fire, we understand.
Most standard fire alarms only alert you to a fire with a loud sounding audio, which often isn’t enough for those with moderate to severe hearing difficulties.
The Bellman smoke alarm we offer comes equipped with flashing lights and vibrations so you can sense the alert and act immediately.
By investing in an extra loud smoke alarm, you could help save lives and prevent irreversible fire damage in your home.
Tired of missing people at your door due to low-sounding doorbells?
The Bellman Visit doorbell range will eradicate that problem in no time with instant doorbell amplification and alerts, so you're always alerted when the doorbell rings.
The Bellman doorbell can be adjusted in volume so they're easier to hear at all times. Or, if you are entirely deaf, a red indicator light will flash when the doorbell has been pressed, so you can be alerted that there is someone at your door just like anyone else.
Included in the Bellman Visit range:
TheBellman Visit Pushbutton Transmitter- utilised as an external doorbell or portable assistance alarm, this device alerts the household occupant's receiver to visitors at the door.
TheBellman Visit Door Transmitter - this door transmission system detects when your doorbell is sounded and transmits a signal through a secure radio channel to your Bellman receiver. It can be connected to an external doorbell, or positioned around the home to alert you to other sounds such as telephone rings.
TheBellman Visit Receiver - after receiving a secure radio signal from the transmitter, this device helps you to notice when the doorbell rings by flashing, vibrating or ringing.
And much more!
If you often find yourself sleeping in through no fault of your own and need a way of waking yourself up on time, consider the Bellman Alarm Clock Pro.
This alert system is designed specifically for those who are hard of hearing and may not be able to hear an alarm clock well enough to be woken from a deep sleep.
With an extra loud alarm and flashing LED light setting to alert you without fail, or a vibration option if you are particularly hard of hearing, this device is ideal for waking you up in the morning.
We offer a range of Bellman alarm clock accessories too!
Do you have any questions about our Bellman doorbells or any of our other enhanced hearing products? If so, please contact us today and we will be happy to assist with your enquiries.
To get in touch with the experts at Hear For Less, fill out ouronline form or email us atsales@hearforless.com.au. You can also give us a call on1800 432 736 and one of our team will gladly talk you through your question.
A Bellman doorbell is accompanied by adjustable volume settings and an instant red indicator light, some products also vibrate to make you aware of a visitor.
These features make Bellman doorbell products excellent for anyone who has impaired hearing and is tired of missing the doorbell.
Still unsure? You can get in touch with one of our specialists for more info.
Bellman & Symfon are an innovative brand committed to providing high-quality solutions for those who are deaf or hard of hearing. They have over 30 years of experience in supplying reliable products.
Bellman strives to make a difference in simplifying the everyday lives of those who are hearing impaired. With a wide selection of products available, you’re sure to find something perfectly suited to your needs.
Of course!
As well as smoke alarms, we stock a comprehensive collection of carbon monoxide alarms from our friends at Brooks.
These devices are easy to use and can be connected to high-intensity strobe lights and vibration pads, making them suitable for those who are deaf or hard of hearing.
At Hear For Less, we stock Bellman alarm clocks with flashing lights and vibration pads. Some Bellman clocks also feature a night light beacon to help you get back into bed, an extra loud alarm and backup batteries.
For product recommendations or more information, contact our helpful experts today!
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